Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY-There shouldn't be EOP ins GLPS.

 "EOP Violation. What's your name and class?" Today, I've got another EOP Violation. So, I have to memorize my EOP paper, and I know it will take a long time, and my history presentation is tomorrow. in my opinion, there shouldn't be EOP in GLPS.

 Students get stressed when they get EOP Violation. EOP is English Only Policy which means that students in GLPS should use English all the time, and students in GLPS hate it. When we get EOP Violation we should memorize EOP paper which take a long time. So students should really be careful not to use Korean. Ewen though we used itaccidently, not on purpose, they catch us. So, it's giving us, students, a lot of stress.

 EOP take our time away. In GLPS, we have a lot of homework. We should prepare for mock trial and history presentation. We also have writing assignment such as odes, drabble, and argumantative essay. however instead of memorizing history presentation, we are memorizing our EOP paper, and in my opinion this doesn't make sense. Also, EOP paper is hard to memorize. Some of them are lyrics, there's conversation, and also Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Julietis written in old English and it's harder to memorize. So, it takes long time and I can't do my homework properly.

 Some people say it's just a rule to help our studies. However, I don't think so. EOP doesn't help our English. We gust say in our words that we know, or we gust don't talk to each other. Many of the student memorize it with out understanding. They just read it, not memorize it. They don't memorize it to study, they memorize it to not to get yellow cards. Also, I don't think song lyrics or conversations oftwo people or Romeo and Juliet, are not useful in our life. So, I think EOP doesn't help our studies.

 Some people say we are here to study, so we should use English. We're here to study, so what? We can study using Korean. Of course, we SHOULD use English in forigner's class such as history, denate, and writing. It's not a manner using Korean in front of forigner teachers. However, why should we use English in dormitory and on self study time? If we use English in second self study time in cafeteria (twelveth floor) preparing the mock trial, we can't tell them my opinion properly and it's very frustrating all of us. That doesn't help us studying.

 As a rusult, I think there shouldn't be EOP in GLPS. Students get stressed of EOP. Teachers catch us even though it's an accident. EOP takes our time away. We have a lot of things to do here. Teachers give us a lot of homework and we should study. However, students can't study because they have to memorize the EOP paper of that day. Some people say EOP helps our studies, but I don't think so. EOP stops us from delivering our minds. Especially, EOP paper interrupts studying. Therefore I think EOP is not needed in GLPS.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


 Ahhyun is very unique girl. She has an unique feature. She gets strange after sunset. When sun rises again, she becomes ordinary again. When sun is not in the sky she does strange things. She dances with her hair ties up in the air. She dances very well actually, but at night, she dances strangely. She tried to bite the head of her roommates and me. Her roommates and I get scared sometimes, but we nearly adapted. Anyway, she is a good friend to me. She is always next to me when I'm having a hard time. I like her.

Friday, January 18, 2013


 I guess most of you have fought with your parents before,as I did. Also, what do you think of when you hear the word 'princess'? A calm,beautiful,quiet woman? In the movie 'Brave', there is a princess who is different from others, and has had a special happening with her mother. There are some common things between the relation ship of mom and daughter and some different things between her and other princesses.

 In the movie, there is a girl called 'Merida'. She is a princess who laves archery, and she's really good at it. She's very active. However, her mom wants her to be calm,quiet and polite. Merida thinks her mom, Elinor, never listens to her. Merida just plays, and doesn't want to marry, however her mother wants her to. Merida met a witch and asked her to help making her mother change, so Elinor changed into a bear. Merida regrets this and tries to change her into a human again. By changing Elinor into a human again, Merida knew her love and Elinor understood Merida.

 The relationship between Merida and Elinor, has somethings in common between my relationship with my mom. Both Elinor and my mom have high expectations. They wanted their daughter to change their attitude. Merida and I both thought our moms don't listen to us. Both of us had a lot of fights with our mothers. However, we know that our mom loves us . The love of my mom and Elinor is the same.

 About Merida, she is different from other princesses, such as Cinderella and Snow White. The common image of a princess is calm,beautiful,quiet and a careful woman to many people. Princesses in Disney movies are beautiful and quiet. They are very dramatic and emotional. However, Merida isn't. She is brave, powerful, active, and she isn't being careful. Anyway, I think she's attractive.

 I like this movie. It's very cute. The characters were so cute especially princes. Also I could sympathize with Merida. The relationship with her and her mother had something in common with mine. It was very fun to watch. Actually, I like Merida's personality. She's so confident;unlike other princesses. The most important thing I felt, is that I should change my destiny myself and try hard.

Friday, January 11, 2013



yummy    adorable

making        eating        loving

cookies  ice-cream  lollipops  Chupachups

buying      consuming      liking

delicious      pretty



Dear GLPS,

Hi GLPS 19, I've met you already in GLPS 17.
This this my second time, and it wasn't that hard to adapt.
My parents have expectations.
My scores should be great.
I also want that.

I sometimes don't like you.
You're sometimes so strict.
Teachers give us so many yellow cards.
Maybe sometimes they give us red cards.

I sometimes feel that here is a prison,
when I got an EOP violation,
and when they take my phone away.
I hate them, but I like you.
I like PAs, TAs, and all my friends.

GLPS, I like you so much.
However, you don't have to be so strict.
You always give me good memories and friends.
I don't want this to end.

Love, Dahyun

Monday, January 7, 2013


 I have three habits I want to change. So I made three goals to change my habit and I will change it in GLPS which is 30 days.

 The first goal is not to fight with my friends.To achieve this goal, I will be friendly to everyone. I will appreciate their thoughts,too. Also I will think before talking so there won't  be any bad words or hurtful words that might hurt their feeling or cause fight.

 My second goal is to do my homework always. So, I should stop being lazy, and do my best. Also i can write my homework on my note, so I won't forget it.

 Lastly, I will get less yellow cards and more green cards. For this goal, I should keep EOP (English Only Policy). Also if I clean my room very well, I will get green cards. So I will clean my room well. The most important thing is not to violate the rules. That can give my green cards and that won't give my yellow cards.

 I will achieve my goals during this camp. :)

Friday, January 4, 2013


Hello. I'm Yoo Dahyun of class 20.I'm gald to come to GLPS. It's my second time coming GLPS, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I have one older sister and one younger brother. My sister is Yoo Dalin who is also in GLPS 19 and in the same class with me. My younger brother is only 11 years old. I like watching movies, reading, and listening to music. My favortie singer (or group) is BIGBANG. I have been to their concert, ALIVE TOUR, too. It was held in Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Stadium. I want to go to their concert again someday.